Read These Insights From Aaron Hoos

Comfort is a drug. We should flee from it but most of us blindly run toward it. Growth only happens outside of comfort zones. So, how do we escape comfort and embrace discomfort? Aaron shares his insights and strategies here.
What separates the most successful, driven, high-achievers from the rest of the world? I believe it's one thing: the ability to embrace what is difficult and persevere through the most difficult times. If it's worth having, it's worth enduring difficult times. Get inspired to thrive in spite of the challenges by reading "The Manifesto Of Hard".
Burpees are hard. I could do a few of them. But I wondered: could I do more? What if I gave myself a challenge to figure out how to do 100 of them in 10 minutes? Find out what I did (and why you can use the same strategy to get to the next level of anything in your life.)
Many people create plans but few follow-through on them. You don't want to just create a plan. You want to create a plan that keeps you inspired, focused, and productive right to the finish line. You need a kick-ass plan.

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