Aaron Hoos, Investor

Investing in cash flowing assets
with strong fundamentals

Aaron Hoos's Guiding Investment Principles

Core Fundamentals

Strong investments start with core fundamentals—solid financials, strategic positioning, and sustainable growth. Aaron focuses on businesses and properties with proven value, ensuring long-term success through careful analysis and due diligence.


Aaron focuses on investments he can participate in: identifying opportunities to add value, optimize performance, and drive returns. Through strategic leadership he maximizes potential while mitigating risk, ensuring superior results.


Aaron prioritizes investments that generate steady cash flow, providing reliable income over the long-term. By selecting high-quality assets with strong financial performance, he ensures ongoing profitability and financial stability.


Predictability is key. Aaron prefers investments with a proven track record of returns that grow over time. Aaron avoids exciting trendy investments and prefers prefers reliability and predictability.

Past & Present Investments

  • Global Coaching Firm: International coaching company that helps clients create life, business, and wealth by design

  • Self Storage Facilities: Construction, rental, and sales of a Self Storage Facility in Texas.

  • Apartment Buildings: Acquisition and management of apartment buildings across Canada.

  • Marketing Agency: Niche content marketing agency. 

  • Health Information Portal: Niche health content.
  • Investment Information Portal: Investment content focused on niche opportunities, such as rare earth metals.

  • Moving Company: Local and national moving company.

  • Mobile Home Investing Education Company: Educational portal for mobile home investors.

  • Residential Real Estate: Single family homes (stick built & condos) in the US and Canada.

  • Public Relations Portal: Local press release website.

About Aaron Hoos

Aaron Hoos is an investor who runs a private fund that focuses on global business and real estate opportunities. He is guided by 4 investment principles: core fundamentals, control and value-add, cash flow, and consistent returns for stakeholders. 
Aaron Hoos juggling fire
Aaron started his career in finance and as a stockbroker, and then later worked as a marketing consultant, advising multinationals on marketing and sales strategy. After achieving his MBA in Business Strategy, he shifted his consulting to the private equity space. 

He then invested in a niche marketing agency and grew it from a one-man operation into a team of over 20; then he became the founding Marketing Director of a global business coaching firm, which he helped to grow to 8-figures before it was acquired by a private equity firm.

Aaron has pioneered a number of sales funnel strategies and he's authored 3 books. His insight appears in magazines, business journals, and textbooks. He's also launched a scholarship in honor of his late wife.

Today, Aaron is focused on growing his fund and actively seeks out investment opportunities that fit his guiding principles, where he can add value with sales funnel innovation and operational expertise.

Aaron spends most of his time traveling, reading, drinking coffee, and conducting due diligence on the next opportunity.


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